Webmail Instructions
Step #1
Exporting your Contacts (Current Webmail)
1. Log into your SSi Webmail account @ https://webmail.ssimicro.com/
2. Click on the “Contacts” tab near the top of the page.
3. Once the page has loaded click on the gear icon, also near the top of the page, and choose “Export All”.
4. When asked to choose which format you would like, pick .csv
5. Next you will be prompted to download the file. Choose a name for the file and save it somewhere convenient where it can be located in the future.
You’re done! Keep this file in a safe spot until August 9th at which point you can continue to step #2.
Step #2
Importing your Contacts (New Webmail – Available August 9th)
1. Login into our new webmail service at https://webmail.ssimicro.com/
2. Select the “Contacts” tab on the left side of the page.
3. Once the page has loaded you will need to click the “Import” icon. Once the “Import Contacts” window has appeared you will need to click the “Browse” button in order to locate the contacts file generated during step #1. After you’ve chosen the correct file, click “Import”.
That’s all there is to it! If you run into any difficulties please do not hesitate to give us a call at
(844) 774-0060.